时间:2012-12-10 14:53来源: 作者:美国留学 点击:
金东方专注美国及欧美名校和奖学金申请12年,由业内资深留学专家与美国及世界各名校博士组成专业权威的服务团队,提倡理性留学,秉承专业与诚信的服务理念,打造优质与精品的服务品牌,已帮助上千优秀学生顺利获得美国及世界名校录取和奖学金,其中不乏哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福、加州大学伯克利,英国剑桥、牛津,加拿大多伦多大学、UBC、澳洲国立大学,悉尼大学,以及新西兰奥克兰大学等世界顶级名校以及高额奖学金。欢迎志向留学美国及欧美名校的学生家长垂询,全国免费电话 400-686-9008
Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Cancer Signaling and Therapeutics
Job Number: 4012001 (Ref.#. IRC38190 )
Date Posted: 12/08/2012
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
Department: Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon.
Work Unit Description:
The Thomas Laboratory is interested in identifying the mechanisms of tumor responses to targeted therapy in cancer. Previous publications from our group include: Nature Medicine 12, 122-127; Cancer Journal 15, 406-420; Science Translational Medicine 3(85): 85ra47.
A postdoctoral position is available for a highly motivated candidate with a background in molecular/cellular biology and/or genetics to join our NIH-funded research group. Evaluation of gene function and key signaling events will include the use of in vitro assays and mouse models; however, special emphasis will be placed on increasing the relevance of experimental findings to human cancer by validating potential therapeutic targets using primary patient samples and in vivo xenograft models. The successful applicant will be responsible for performing experiments in the laboratory which will include DNA, RNA, Protein extraction, Western blotting, Q-Real Time PCR, Tissue culture, Transfections, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Site Directed Mutagenesis, etc as well carry out data analysis resulting from experiments and help with manuscript preparation/writing.
Job Requirements:
Requirements include a PhD degree in Biology/ Molecular Biology/Genetics; excellent written and verbal communication; effective judgment and problem solving with little or no supervision is imperative in all facets of this position; highly motivated and committed to academic biomedical research; expertise in Excel, Graph Pad Prism and other bioinformatics analysis software such as BLAST; strong attention to detail, multi-tasking; and a willingness to learn new technologies. Applicants need to be already residing in the USA. One year of experience is strongly preferred.
俄勒冈健康与科学大学是一所历史悠久、以研究为取向的最好的综合性公立大学。在美国500名富商中,俄勒冈健康与教育学校排名很高,俄勒冈健康与科技大学图书收藏丰富,总藏书达2,000,000册,是美国西北部重要的研究资源中心。大学设有4个博物馆,其中艺术博物馆是美国博物馆协会会员,以收集亚洲及美国西北部地区艺术文物作品而文明。此外,大学还建有可容纳40,000多人的体育馆,室内外的体育运动设备应有尽有,是学生们的最佳娱乐休闲场所之一。美国大学表现评估中心大学排名 第56名。
王宇老师 --金东方美国部博士后及交流访问学者项目咨询顾问